日本 KEM 產品 |
固體水份蒸發裝置 (Evaporator
) |
ASTM D6869
Standard Test Method for Coulometric and Volumetric Determination of
Moisture in Plastics Using the Karl Fischer Reaction (the Reaction
of Iodine with Water) |
Fischer反應的庫侖電量和容量滴定方式,測定塑膠中水分的標準試驗方法(碘和水反應) |
Karl Fischer
滴定。因應水分量選用容量滴定法或電量滴定法中之一種。 |
ADP-511S |
特點 :
- 連接卡式水份計,由卡式水份計控制操作程序。
- 適用於塑膠顆粒或固體樣品水份測定。
- 樣品自動送入加熱槽中。
- 透明加熱玻璃管可觀察樣品加熱蒸發過程。
- 精確控制加熱溫度和氣體流量。
應用範圍: |
1. 塑膠、橡膠
(Plastics, Rubber): |
Phenol resin, Polyvinyl chloride,
Styrene form, Nylon-6, Polyethylene, Polycarbonate, Polyvinyl alcohol, Synthetic
paper, ABS resin, Polypropylene, Polyester, Acetyl cellulose resin,
Polyacetal, Nylon-66, Polystyrene, Polyethylene terephthalate, Epoxy resin,
Rubber compound, Carbon black. |
2. 顏料 (Pigment): |
Calcium carbonate,
Zinc white, Antimony oxide. |
3. 岩石、無機物 (Rocks,
Non-organics): |
nitrite, Sodium sulfate, Coal, Ferrite, Copper sulfate, Titanium oxide, Zinc
oxide, Iron oxide, Manganese carbonate, Calcium carbonate. |
4. 穀類、澱粉 (Grains,
Starch): |
flour, Wheat starch, Brown rice flour, Wheat flour. |
溫度控制範圍 |
室溫 - 300°C |
加熱器裝置 |
派熱克斯玻璃管 內徑 30 X 長度 270mm
氣體傳送 |
1) 氮氣
2) 空氣泵浦 (另購配件) |
氣體乾燥 |
矽膠乾燥劑 (100g)....1 沸石乾燥劑 (100g)....1 |
氣體流量 |
100 - 300 mL/min |
電源 |
AC100-120/200-240, 50/60Hz |
耗電量 |
150W |
297(W) X 206(D) X 330(H)mm |
重量 |
約 5kg |
MKC-520+ADP-511S |
ASTM D6869
Standard Test Method for Coulometric and Volumetric Determination of
Moisture in Plastics Using the Karl Fischer Reaction (the Reaction
of Iodine with Water)
Coulometric Titration
Fischer反應的庫侖電量和容量滴定方式,測定塑膠中水分的標準試驗方法(碘和水反應)-庫侖電量法卡式水分測定儀 |
MKA-520+ADP-511S |
ASTM D6869
Standard Test Method for Coulometric and Volumetric Determination of
Moisture in Plastics Using the Karl Fischer Reaction (the Reaction
of Iodine with Water)
Volumetric Titration
Fischer反應的庫侖電量和容量滴定方式,測定塑膠中水分的標準試驗方法(碘和水反應)-容量滴定法卡式水分測定儀 |